Khairy was here...

No matter how small, each man has his own story to tell...

Monday, May 23, 2005

My wedding was on the newspaper!

I am still amazed by it up to now. My wife and I were on the cover of the Philippine Daily Inquirer last February 14, 2005! Although we got married on January 24, 2005, I guess the editor of PDI decided to feature us on it's Valentine's Day issue. Considering our cross-cultural union, I guess it was fitting for an issue with a headline about turmoil in Mindanao. The most probable intention was to offset the terrible news coming from our region that is often viewed as a Muslim-Christian situation (why does religion have to be a victim of political B.S.???). I preserved the issue, and I had our article framed for our children.

But in that same day of publication, I believe that a bomb went off inside a bus in Makati (reported to be the responsibility of the Abu Sayaff). Just when I thought the newspaper was a very comforting read for a change, people just have to go and mess things up for you. Well, I guess you can't have it all.

Can't we all just get along? I'm happy my wife and I are :-), and how I wish the world would follow suit...



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