Khairy was here...

No matter how small, each man has his own story to tell...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Take on Death

Also from my cousin, Almahdini:


All human beings have an intrinsic feeling of eternity, and so feel imprisoned in the narrow confines of the material world and yearn for eternity. Whoever can hear our conscious nature will hear it pronouncing eternity over and over again. If we were given the whole universe, we would still hunger for the eternal life for which we were created. This natural inclination toward eternal happiness comes from an objective reality: the existence of eternal life and our desire for it.

The spirit uses the body as an instrument, and thus governs and controls all parts of it in a comprehensive manner. When the appointed hour of death comes, any illness or failure in the body’s functions is an invitation to the Angel of Death (the Archangel Azra’il). In actuality, God causes people to die. However, so that people should not complain about Him, which might seem disagreeable to many, God uses Azra’il, upon him be peace, to take the souls of those who are to die. He also uses illness or other calamities as another veil between Azra’il and death so that people should not criticize the Archangel.

Since all angels are created from light, Azra’il can be present and assume any form in innumerable places at once and do many simultaneous things perfectly. Like the sun giving heat and light to all things in the world at the same time, and being present through its images in innumerable transparent objects, Azra’il can take millions of souls at the same moment with great ease.

However, Archangels like Gabriel, Michael, and Azra’il, upon them be peace, have subordinates that resemble them and are supervised by them. When good, righteous people die, some angels come to them with smiles and radiant faces. They are followed by Azra’il and his subordinates charged with taking the souls of the good, or one of Azra’il’s subordinates. The Quranic verses: By those who pluck out violently; by those who draw out gently (79:1-2), indicate that those angels who take the souls of the righteous differ from those who take the souls of the wicked. The latter are plucked out violently, and have sour, frightened faces at death.
To those who believe and live righteous lives are greeted with opened windows from the places reserved for them in Paradise. Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, stated that the souls of the righteous are drawn out as gently as the flowing of water from a pitcher. Better than that, martyrs do not feel death’s agony and do not know that they are dead. Instead, they consider themselves to be transferred into a better world and enjoy perfect happiness.
Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, told Jabir ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Amr, who was martyred at the Battle of Uhud:
Do you know how God welcomed your father? He welcomed him in such an indescribable manner that neither eyes have seen it nor ears heard it, nor minds conceived of it. Your father said: “O God, let me return to the world so that I can explain to those left behind how pleasant martyrdom is.” God replied: “There is no return. Life is lived only once. However, I will inform them of your circumstances,” and He revealed: Never think of those slain in the way of God to be dead; rather they are alive and are provided in the Presence of their Lord. (3:169)
Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, the most advanced in worshipping God, advised prescribed prayers while he was dying. So did ‘Umar, the second Caliph, may God be pleased with him. Khalid ibn Walid was one of the few invincible generals of world history. Just before his death, he asked those beside him to bring his sword and horse. People like ‘Uthman (the third Caliph), ‘Ali (the fourth Caliph), Hamza, and Mus’ab ibn ‘Umayr dedicated themselves to the cause of Islam and died as martyrs. Those who lead lives of dissipation die while frequenting drinking or gambling tables or houses of prostitution.
For those who believe and do righteous deeds, death is not something to be feared. Although death seems to bring decomposition, extinguish life, and destroy pleasure, in fact it represents a Divine discharge from the heavy duties of worldly life. It is no more than a change of residence, a transferal of the body, an invitation to and the beginning of everlasting life. As the world is continually enlivened through acts of creation and predetermination, so is it continually stripped of life through other cycles of creation, determination, and wisdom. The dying of plants, the simplest level of life, proves itself a work of Divine artistry, like their living, but one that is more perfect and better designed. This is so because death leads to a more perfect life. When a fruit’s seed dies in the soil, it seems to decompose and rot away. But in reality, it undergoes a perfect chemical process, passes through predetermined states of re-formation, and ultimately grows again into an elaborate, new tree. So a seed’s death is really the beginning of a new tree, a new, more perfect and elaborate life.
Since the death of fruits and vegetables and meat in our stomachs causes us to rise to the degree of human life, in this sense their deaths can be regarded as more perfect than their lives. Since the dying of plants is so perfect and serves so great a purpose, our deaths, given that we are the highest form of life, must be much more perfect and serve a still greater purpose. Once we have gone underground, we certainly will be brought into eternal life.
Death releases us from the hardships of worldly life, which is a turbulent, suffocating, narrow dungeon of space that gradually becomes harder through old age and affliction, and admits us to the infinitely wide circle of the Eternal, Beloved One’s mercy. There, we may enjoy the everlasting company of our beloved ones and the consolation of a happy, eternal life.

Unlawful Ingredients (HARAM!)

Brothers & Sisters in Islam,

Assalamu Alaikum w.b.t.

I received this as an email from my cousin, Almahdini, in Cotabato City.

It appears that some Halal products are masquerading as lawful for Muslims.

I took the liberty of posting it here and letting you all join me in my research. I'm going to print out the list below and see if there really are such ingredients labelled with codes in the products I buy in the grocery.

May Allaw s.w.t. protect us from all evil at all times.

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Bismillah hir Rehman nir Rahim
By Yasir Muhammad Khan & Sheikh Sahib

There are many products containing PIG FAT, which we might not notice in the ingredients. Sheikh Sahib have worked in the food department of France for ten years. His duty dealt with the registration of food and cosmetic items. Before launching the product the manufacturer would bring a specimen to me with a list of components used in it. I would send the specimen to laboratory for examination. Then I would compare the ingredients appearing in the laboratory report with the ones mentioned in the list submitted by the company. If there were no discrepancies, I would issue the registration letter. I noticed that some of the component lists submitted by the companies carried some codes like "E141" and "E904". In the beginning, I was very surprised at reading these codes. When I asked my senior officers about the codes, they said, 'check only the components and don't consider these letters'. This increased my curiosity and I started investigating at my own. I came to know startling facts.

My investigation revealed that pig meat is eaten in all Europe, America and Far East. In these countries, there are millions of farms for breeding pigs. In France alone, there are 42 thousand such farms. When the pigs reach a certain age, they are slaughtered and their meat is supplied to the markets. People eat pig flesh. In Europe and America, people do not eat fats at all while pig has a lot of fats.

Some two hundred years ago, pig farms and slaughter-houses were formally set up and pork was supplied to the consumers under supervision big problem to dispose of the fat. In the beginning they used to burn the fat but later they thought to use it in products. So, the pig fat was melted and used in making soap. The experiment was successful. Then, plants were set up to process the fat. The packed fat was brought in market where companies would put the fat for using it in food and drinks.

In the beginning of this century, quality control was systematized. European countries started to introduce quality control over food, drinks, lotions and drugs, and directed the manufacturing companies to print a list of ingredients and their effects. The companies started printing "Pig Fat" on the wrappers and bottles. But when these products came to Islamic countries, the Muslims boycotted them. You must know the background of the freedom war in 1857 in India. At that time, rifle bullets were sent to India from Europe via sea. During the six-month journey in the sea, the bullets would get moisturized due to humid and salty air of sea and were no longer usable. Britain would put a coating on the bullets to preserve them. To use the bullets, the soldiers would peel the fat coating with their teeth. This continued for some time, but when the local soldiers came to know that the coating was made of pig fat, they revolted. The revolt turned into the freedom war of 1857.

Muslims around the world learnt that the European, products had pig fats, and the sale was adversely affected. The manufacturing companies raised a hue and cry and the European governments allowed them to print "animal fats" instead of "pig fats". Now the companies declared that their products used animal fats. But westerners kill the animals in a violent manner by electrocuting them or cutting the neck in one goes with machines. The Muslims slaughter the animals in Islamic way and believe slaughtering through electrocution as haraam, and do not eat the flesh, fat, etc of an animal slaughtered in such way. The European companies renamed the "pig fats" as "animal fats", but the Muslims refused to accept as halaal all the animals slaughtered by the Europeans and started boycotting the European products having an animal ingredient. This was the time when the companies had taken the shape of multinational companies and their products were being sold in the seven continents. The companies did not want to lose a one-third of their buyers. Secondly, the number of products and the output of companies had increased so much that it was nearly impossible to arrange for the fat of halaal animals or corn oil. If the companies had obtained the fats of animals slaughtered in Islamic ways or used corn oil. Their budget would have been affected and the cost would have increased. Thirdly, the pig fat would have gone in waste. After prolonged deliberation, the European minds devised a solution that the companies should not mention "fat" on the ingredient list.

But there was a problem that under the law, the manufacturers were bound to print the names of ingredients. To solve this problem, they defined codes for animal ingredients used in the products. The codes represented which animal's ingredient was used in which ratio. The list of codes was sent to food departments of different countries. Since then, the companies mention only the codes and thus make billions of dollars profits every year. It is a pity that the Muslims are unknowingly using these products. One major reason of the increasing obscenity and debauchery in the Muslim countries is the SHAVING CREAM, TOOTHPASTE, CHEWING GUMS, CHOCOLATES, SWEETS, BISCUITS, TOFFEES, CORN FLAKES, CANNED FOODS, FRUIT TINS and some Multi-Vitamin tablets in which fats of haraam animals have been used.

Since these goods are being used in all MUSIM countries indiscriminately, our society is facing problems like Shamelessness, rudeness and sexual promiscuity. So i request all MUSLIMS to check the ingredients of the ITEM of Daily use and match it with the following list of E-CODES. If any of the E-Code found in the ingredients list , then avoid that product as it has got PIG FAT. Also inform other Muslim fellows about it. Please print a copy and take it with you on every shopping trip.

E-100 E-110 E-120 E-140 E-141 E-153 E-160a E-210 E-213 E-214 E-216 E-234 E-252 E-270 E-280 E-325 E-326 E-327 E-334 E-335 E-336 E-337 E-422e E-430 E-431 E-432 E-433 E-434 E-435 E-436 E-440 E-470 E-471 E-472a-e E-473 E-474 E-475 E-476 E-477 E-478 E-481 E-482 E-483 E-491 E-492 E-493 E-494 E-495 E-542 E-570 E-572 E-631 E-635 E-640 E-904 E-920

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Right to Free Practice of Religion

Assalamu Alaikum w.b.t.

Last year, I was able to apply in my present office a research I had done during my stay in the Department of Social Welfare & Development, specifically an office policy allowing the free practice of Islam and the observance of Muslim holidays.

It's probably common knowledge that Muslim holidays are oberved by both Muslims and Christians in the ARMM, but not in the majority of the areas outside the autonomous region. But due to my insistence (because Muslims pray on Fridays, and I always end up losing hours in my timekeeping whenever I go out to to the nearest Masjid* for the Friday prayer), I discovered that Civil Service rules allow Muslims to go out during Fridays to pray, not just within the ARMM. The catch is to have an office policy signed by the head of the agency.

I am referring to CSC Resolution No. 81-1277, and it also recognizes the Muslim holidays wherein Muslim employees should not be deducted for being absent. Also, there is a prescribed special schedule for Muslims who fast during the Holy Month of Ramadhan. I've worked in two government offices thus far, and both did not have such a policy although they have Muslim personnel in their respective rosters. I guess me being in HR is a calling (I am tasked to advise all government offices to apply this ruling for the sake of my brothers and sisters in Islam! Allahuakbar!) .


So if anyone out there comes across my blog, and is interested in having a copy of the office order that I had approved, please feel free to post a comment below. I'm still trying to figure out how I can be accomodated office space for prayer, 'coz right now, for the 2 to 3 prayers during office hours everyday, I pray inside the stock room as it is the only viable area for me.

By the way, the Philippine Constitution should be enough legal support for the private sector to provide such mechanisms. Muslims should be allowed to pray during Fridays, to observe a special schedule during Ramadhan, and to observe Muslim holidays.


*Please refrain from using the word Mosque and instead use the politically-correct term Masjid, as the word Mosque means mosquitos and was commonly used by Crusaders during the Medieval Period. They basically used the term to refer to a place where Muslims gather, for them to swat the Muslims like mosquitos.

Homecourt Disadvantage...and I Still Love This Game!

Assalamu Alaikum w.b.t.

The unbelievable MVP (probably the most unbelievable awardee of the century), Steve Nash, and the Suns lost Game 1 of their Western Conference Finals series against the Spurs!


The unbelievably ONE-TIME MVP Shaq (he deserved at least one MVP for every other year during the past 13 years) and the Heat lost their Game 1 against the defending champs, the Pistons!

...both those teams are top seeds in their respective conferences. And now, they just lost their homecourt advantage against two former champeens. AND I LOVE IT! This season has been unbelievable (I'm getting accustomed to that word).

I mean, who would have guessed that Steve Nash would ACTUALLY win the MVP award. During the first few weeks of the season, Nash already had my vote (and all you non-believers out there know what I am talking about). But c'mon... I couldn't believe it until I saw it on (where the news came about a few days earlier than the Mavs-Suns game where Stern handed the trophy). He beat out Shaq for crying out loud (whose former team stinks like Kobe Bryant's feet to be more exact). He beat Iverson. He beat Duncan. and he bested former teammate Dirk Nowitzki. He also bested Lebron, who COULD be the next coming of MJ, and Dwayne Wade, who is arguably the best player in a Heat uniform this season (sorry Mr. O'Neal, but Wade was sadly overlooked in the MVP race).

Great season, and an even greater playoffs! A lot of memorable stuff has happened during the past few weeks. Miller and the Pacers beating Pierce and the Celts in a Game7 in Boston. Steve Nash doing it all against the Mavs (almost two triple doubles in the series). The Jordan-less Chicago Bulls back in the playoffs WITH HOME COURT ADVANTAGE IN THE FIRST ROUND! The Washington Wizards beating that very same Bulls team lead by an amazing Gilbert Arenas. The Miami Heat sweeping the first two rounds against the Nets and the aforementioned Wizards (and then losing Game 1 against the damning defense of the Pistons). The Sonics ALMOST showing signs of life against the Spurs (but the injuries just kept on coming... better luck next year, Ray). And that last game of Miller in Indiana was reportedly a tearjerker (according to my favorite cousin, Albir).

Yep, without a shadow of a doubt, I love this season. I mean, I've always had love for the game. But this season, it's almost up there with the Jordan-led Bulls era, not just because of the things I've mentioned as memorable, but also because of things that I wish I could forget (hint: Ron Artest).

But now we're at the Conference Finals, and a couple of games away from the Show. And damn, the drama just got better. Shaq is playing with a bruised thigh (and possibly bruised ego). The Suns don't have the starting 5 of the regular season and I hope Joe Johnson can get back soon ( 'coz Nash may be MVP, but someone has to guard Tony Parkay). The Wallaces are bad as ever (I don't mean that in a negative bad way, but in a pre-child-molestation-case-Michael-Jackson bad way). And to top it all off, Manu Ginobili is hitting half-court buzzer beater shots! Well, just one so far in the series, but I am veritably pissed off with that Andy Garcia lookalike. I almost hate him as much as I hate Bruce Bowen. If Bowen ever gets Defensive Player of the Year, that would be like Rudy Distrito or Senator Robert Jaworski Sr. winning the award (and I'm not sure if they did or not hehehe). Bowen is probably to the NBA what Ric Flair is to sports entertainment. Manu and Bruce are given way too much credit (Ginobili gets away with flops, and Bowen gets away with almost everything). Foul-counted my @$$...

But it's all cool. I can't wait for the Game Twos. Too bad I only see the live feeds during weekends, but thanks to the wonders of the internet, I catch the box scores during work.

It's your taxes at work, my fellow Filipinos.



Monday, May 23, 2005

My wedding was on the newspaper!

I am still amazed by it up to now. My wife and I were on the cover of the Philippine Daily Inquirer last February 14, 2005! Although we got married on January 24, 2005, I guess the editor of PDI decided to feature us on it's Valentine's Day issue. Considering our cross-cultural union, I guess it was fitting for an issue with a headline about turmoil in Mindanao. The most probable intention was to offset the terrible news coming from our region that is often viewed as a Muslim-Christian situation (why does religion have to be a victim of political B.S.???). I preserved the issue, and I had our article framed for our children.

But in that same day of publication, I believe that a bomb went off inside a bus in Makati (reported to be the responsibility of the Abu Sayaff). Just when I thought the newspaper was a very comforting read for a change, people just have to go and mess things up for you. Well, I guess you can't have it all.

Can't we all just get along? I'm happy my wife and I are :-), and how I wish the world would follow suit...
